20 Photos to Inspire you to Visit Ireland

From the countryside to the city, Ireland is a beautiful country. I traveled here for 2 1/2 weeks with a study abroad group. We got the chance to spend four days in an Irish school. I learned more from the sweet girls of St. Vincent de Paul girls school than I did on any guided tour! It is always a great idea to find a situation where you can meet and talk with locals in order to allow yourself to really get to know the culture of the country you are visiting. In addition, we visited the city of Dublin, Howth, Glendalough, Cork, the Cliffs of Moher and more! They say it rains almost every day in Ireland. However, we went in mid-May and it only rained two days that we were there! Be sure to plan plenty of time to enjoy the countryside and take in all of Ireland’s beauty.

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