What to Pack in Your Carry-on

It can be challenging to decide what to pack in your carry-on versus what to leave in your checked bag. For shorter flights, you may not need much. However, on longer flights, it’s important to have your carry-on well-prepared with entertainment, snacks, and other essentials to ensure a smooth, relaxing journey.

Travel Documents: Do Not Forget!

  • Passport and/or ID – Always keep your identification and travel documents in a secure, easily accessible place.
  • Boarding Pass – Whether printed or on your mobile device, be sure to have it handy.
  • Wallet – Carry your credit/debit cards and some cash in local currency.
  • Travel Insurance if applicable

If You Plan to Get Some Rest

It is important on long flights to get some rest to help prepare your body for the time changes and reduce incoming jet-lag. Ensuring you have the right items in your carry-on can make all the difference. Here are some essentials I always make sure to pack with me:

  • Earplugs – Headphones may do as well if you are just looking to block out background noise. You’ll be extremely thankful that you brought some earplugs when you are trying to rest and there happens to be a crying baby aboard your flight or noisy passengers around you.
  • Eye Mask – It can be hard to sleep if the passenger next to you has their overhead light on or the brightness of their television screen all the way up. An eye mask will block out all light.
  • Neck Pillow – It is often difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position when on a plane. Neck pillows provide comfort when trying to get some rest.
  • Travel Blanket – If you aren’t flying first class, it is nice to bring along a longer, soft blanket. I love my travel blanket that doubles as a pillow.

Find my favorite travel essentials on my Amazon storefront:


You do not want to get on a long flight without some entertainment! I always bring my own headphones for the in-flight entertainment systems. Though complimentary headphones are typically provided, they often run out. There are plenty of things you can bring to keep yourself entertained. Here are some ideas:

  • Activity books – crossword, sudoku, etc.
  • Books/ebooks – Paper and hardback books add extra weight and take up space in your bag. Ebook devices save space and can hold many different books!
  • Technology – Whether it be my phone, iPad, or laptop, I always have something for listening to music and watch my favorite shows. Tip: Pre-download a few shows/movies before your flight!
  • Chargers – Do not forget chargers for all of your devices! 


  • Water Bottle – Bring an empty bottle to fill up after passing through security or purchase one at the airport to stay hydrated. It is super important to stay hydrated when flying, because airplanes have low humidity levels that lead to dehydration. You should drink about 8 ounces of water every hour (more if you are drinking coffee or alcohol as well).
  • Snacks – Airplane snacks are not cheap. I always make sure to pack at least one snack item just in case I get hungry in between meals. Healthy foods that are easy to snack on without making a mess are best (such as a granola bar).
  • Valuables – I keep all of my most valuable objects with me in my carry-on. Things that are irreplaceable or too expensive for you to lose. If your luggage were to be misplaced or lost, you would not have to worry about these items. 
  • Medications – You should pack any necessary medications, EpiPens, and necessary papers for these in your carry-on. 
  • Change of Clothes – You may find it necessary to pack an outfit in your carry-on in case your checked luggage gets lost or delayed getting to your destination.
  • Deodorant, cleansing body wipes – Some travel size items that you can use to freshen up when needed. It will make you feel better and will make the people around you feel better. 
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste – For a long flight, you may also want to brush your teeth when you land, or even after you eat. If you don’t wish to bring your toothbrush, some mints can be helpful as well. 
  • Chapstick – Due to the dry air on airplanes, have some chapstick handy in case you need it.
  • Acne Spot Treatment
  • Feminine Products
  • Hair Tie / Comb

What to Wear:

I also opt to dress comfy and casual. Wearing comfortable shoes that are not too tight and loose pants, such as leggings or sweatpants, are good for blood circulation. Having an extra layer, such as a light jacket or sweater is helpful because it can get cold up in the air!

Did I miss anything? Let me know your carry-on must-haves in the comments! 

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